Creating a search string in Discovery Search
When it comes to creating a search string there are a few things to keep in mind.
First is the incorporation of Boolean Operators; AND OR NOT into your search string. For example, pediatric cancer, you should also incorporate other terms for pediatric. In this case (pediatric OR children OR child OR youth OR infant) AND cancer would be a search string to try.
Second is to use expand what terms you are using. In the case of cancer, you can also try cancer OR neoplasms OR tumor OR malignancy
Third is to incorporate Parenthesis, Quotation Marks, Wild Cards, and Truncation.
Parenthesis help keep order and priority to your search string.
Quotation Marks are used when a multiword specific term is used, like an authors name, “Bob Ross” but can also be used in other instances particularly proper nouns, “New York City”, “Boston Red Sox”.
Wildcards change letters (?) or add to them (#)
Example: b?t could come up with the following bat, bit, bet, etc. Neighbo#r would pull up neighbor and neighbour (this is most often an occurrence with English vs. American words)
Truncation expands your search results by adding * to the end of a root word
Example: nurs* would pull up nurse, nurses, nursing, etc.
Put all of these techniques together and a final search string could look like this:
(pe#diatric OR child* OR youth OR infant) AND (cancer OR neoplasms OR tumo#r OR malignancy) AND (environment*)
Or as simple as: (child*) and cancer
It is important to remember that the more specific your search string is the less results you will get. If you find that your search comes up with no results or very little, try scaling your search string back to be less specific.