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APA 7th Edition

What to Include

Summarize - the hypothesis or theme of the work
Evaluate/Assess - evaluate the authors authority on the subject and/or their biases
Analyze - does this source add value to the topic
Reflect - what is the purpose of this work, what new research does it bring to the field, who is the intended audience 
Compare - how does this work compare to others in your bibliography
Explain - how this work shapes your topic


Skloot, R. (2010). The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. Crown Publishers.

This work discusses the history of a black woman’s cancerous cells better known to the science world as HeLa. Her cancerous cells were unknowingly taken from her in 1951. They have since been used in thousands of scientific studies without compensation or recognition to her or her family. This work discusses the ethical issues of taking someone's cells without their knowledge and using it experimentally. Even though this book was written for the general public to have a better understanding of this medical and ethical issue, I feel that the author brings up relevant information that I can dive deeper into that would be beneficial to my research on medical ethics.


 What is it?

An annotated bibliography's purpose is to summarize the central theme or hypothesis of the work. It is also a good place to analyze whether you believe the source adds value to your research. Typically each annotation is about 150 words. It is not the abstract of a paper. 

 How should I format it?

Your annotations should be listed alphabetically just the same as your reference list. Remember to indent the entire block of text half an inch (0.5 inch). If the annotation goes on longer than a paragraph indent the first line of the second and subsequent paragraphs. 

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). (p. 308)

Please note that this is a guide. Please ask your instructor for more clarification or requirements relating to your assignment. 

All information found on this page can be further referenced in the A.P.A. 7th edition manual. 

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).