Direct quotes should be used when the author of the work has written something memorable or defining. When writing in-text citations be sure include the page number(s) with your citation. Examples of this:
"Gerontology, the systematic study of aging, attempts to counteract stereotyping and prejudice." (Novak, 2009, p. 2)
In 2009, Novak stated that "Gerontology, the systematic study of aging, attempts to counteract stereotyping and prejudice." (p. 2)
Novak (2009) noted that "Gerontology, the systematic study of aging, attempts to counteract stereotyping and prejudice." (p. 2)
"Gerontology, the systematic study of aging, attempts to counteract stereotyping and prejudice." Wrote Novak (2009, p. 2) while exploring the topic of ageism.
For quotes that are 40 words or more you need to indent and create a block quote. Block quotes should be started on a new line and indented half an inch (0.5 inch). For block quotes more than one paragraph long, the second and subsequent paragraphs should have the first line indented another half inch. Block quotes should be double spaced and there is no need to put quotation marks around them. In-text citations for block quotes can be either parenthetical or narrative. Example of this:
The interesting topic of beanpole families can best be surmised by this quote:
More people than ever before will live in what some gerontologists call beanpole families. These families have three, four, or more generations alive at the same time. Each generation has relatively few members due to smaller numbers of children being born. Older people in these families will live into late old age. Some of them will need caregiving help from their younger family members. Other will live independently or with some formal help in late old age. (Novak, 2009, p. 2)
Novak (2009) best surmised beanpole families:
More people than ever before will live in what some gerontologists call beanpole families. These families have three, four, or more generations alive at the same time. Each generation has relatively few members due to smaller numbers of children being born. Older people in these families will live into late old age. Some of them will need caregiving help from their younger family members. Other will live independently or with some formal help in late old age. (p. 2)
Paraphrasing should be used when you restate ideas or concepts from someone else's work. Use either parenthetical or narrative in-text citing when paraphrasing. It is not required but helpful to include page or paragraph numbers in your in-text citations. Follow the same format as direct quoting in-text citations when including page or paragraph numbers.
If you have the same author more than once and they were published in the same year, then order them alphabetical by title. For the purpose of simplifying in-text citations add a letter to the end of the year to help differentiate the same author, same year publications. An example of this would be:
Reference: Patterson, James (2013a). Alex Cross, Run. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
Patterson, James (2013b). Cross My Heart. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
In-text: (Patterson, 2013a)
(Patterson, 2013b)
For books italic the title and print the year of publication: (Go Ask Alice, 1971)
For magazines put the title of the article in quotations and print the year of publication: ("Understanding the adolescent brain," 2018)
All information found on this page can be further referenced in the A.P.A. 7th edition manual.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).