Author or Name of Group. (Date). Software name [Computer software]. Publisher name or App Store.
Dynavox, T. (2011). Boardmaker Plus! v.6 [Computer software]. Mayer-Johnson.
Assessment or standardized test:
Author. (Year). Name of assessment or test: Name of the item of the test. Publisher.
Dunn, L. (2007). Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-4): Manual. Pearson Assessments, Inc.
Lecture or Presentation:
Author. (Year, Month Day). Name of Lecture [Format]. Department Name, Name of College. URL address of the lecture or presentation.
Gitto, M. (2017). Maria College glee club collection [PowerPoint slides]. Maria College Library.
Apparatus or equipment:
Author or name of group. (Year). Title of apparatus [Type of material].
Axis Scientific. (2016). Miniature human muscular figure [Apparatus].,-13,406
Case Study:
Author. (Year). Name or article of the case study. Journal title, volume(issue), pages.
Jukema, J., van Veelan, N., & Vonk, R. (2015). Students experienced help from preservative care. A reflective case study of two nursing students caring from a nursing framework on good care for older people. International Practice Development Journal, 5(2), 1-13.
Report by Government agency or organization:
Author or Name of Group. (Year). Title of report (Report number if available). Publisher. http:///
National Cancer Institute. (2014). Coping with advanced cancer (NIH Publication No. 14-0856).
United States Federal Aviation Administration. (2004). Airport safety self-inspection (150/5200-18C). U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration.
All information found on this page can be further referenced in the A.P.A. 7th edition manual.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).