Reference lists need to be on their own page and be titled References in the center of the top of the page.
Citations need to be in alphabetical order. If there is no author then you would move on to the title going with the first significant word (disregard a, an, the).
A hanging indent of half an inch must be done for subsequent lines after the first line.
If you have the same author more than once in your list of citations, put the sources in chronological order with the oldest listed first. No date proceeds the oldest year. For example:
Collins, D.D. (n.d.).
Collins, D.D. (2010).
Collins, D.D. (2017).
Collins, D.D. (2020).
If you have the same author more than once and they were published in the same year, then order them alphabetical by title. For the purpose of simplifying in-text citations add a letter to the end of the year to help differentiate the same author, same year publications. An example of this would be:
Reference: Patterson, James (2013a). Alex Cross, Run. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
Patterson, James (2013b). Cross My Heart. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
In-text: (Patterson, 2013a)
(Patterson, 2013b)
If there is no author list the cited work in the reference list by the title of the work. If the work is stated as being authored by "Anonymous" then proceed by putting Anonymous where the author is supposed to be listed in reference list citation. Example:
Anonymous (1971). Go Ask Alice. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Book, article or chapter titles should only have the first word capitalized unless the word is a proper noun. Follow the same rule for subtitles.
Periodical titles should have all words capitalized unless it is an article, or a conjunction or prepositions less than five letters. Ex. a, an, the, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, up, and, as, but, or, nor.
For periodicals, volumes should be italicized. Issue numbers should be in regular print.
For book volumes if the volume is in included as part of the title it should be italicized, if listed separately it should not be italicized. Book volumes should be listed after the title in parentheses. Ex. (Vol. xx, pp xx-xx). Or (Vol. xx).
All information found on this page can be further referenced in the A.P.A. 7th edition manual.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).